What Is Packet Loss?
Packet Loss is simply nothing but failure of packets to reach their destination. A packet is simply nothing but a small sortable data chunk that is transmitted between one origin and a destination. Such packets contain almost everything one would want to know-the source and destination addresses, protocol, and identification numbers. Packet loss is usually expressed in percentage terms, which is calculated by taking the ratio of the lost packets to total resulted packets and multiplying the result by hundred.
Packet loss seriously injures not only digital communication but performance as a network. Packet loss occurs as sometimes a data packet goes somewhere, but it does not reach its determined place. Consequently, this brings the whole network down from inside since it creates very slow working of networks and, sometimes, a broken connection. Herein this piece, we are going to discuss packet loss effects, causes of this occurring event, and how it can be remedied in order to optimize organizational efforts in network performance and residual risks.